Russell’s Biodiversity
An array of native plants and animals benefit from the predator control on the Russell Peninsula. Some of these species are familiar; like tui, piwakawaka/fantail and riroriro/grey warbler. But there are also uncommon and rare species here.
Birds of the Forest & Shrubland
North Island Brown Kiwi
The brown kiwi is a nocturnal, flightless bird. It used to be common throughout the North Island but, due to habitat loss and predation, it is now a rare species. Here on the Russell Peninsula we are fortunate that kiwi still live amongst us, In 2016 the population was estimated to be about 500 birds. The most recent estimate in 2021 counted more than 1300 birds.
North Island Weka
Weka used to be common throughout the North Island. Sadly, they now exist in even fewer places than kiwi. Following a successful re-introduction in 2002, the Russell Peninsula is now the national (and international) stronghold of North Island weka. However, they remain rare nationally and are less abundant and more threatened than the kiwi. They are vulnerable to stoats, cats, dogs and grumpy gardeners.
Shorebirds & Shore-Nesters
The New Zealand tuturiwhatu nests on beaches, just above the high tide mark. The nests and eggs are well-camouflaged so they are easily trampled by humans, other animals and vehicles. The chicks are vulnerable to predation by other birds, such as black-back gulls and hawks, and feral cats. On the Russell Peninsula, New Zealand dotterel appear to be confined to Waitata Bay and Oneroa Bay.
Birds of Wetlands or Estuaries
Brown Teal
The pateke is the rarest native duck on the New Zealand mainland. Until recently it was thought to be at risk of extinction, but recent research has confirmed that intensive predator control can help population recovery. It was widespread on the peninsula before the 1980s, and has recently recovered in areas of Uruti Bay, Orongo Bay, Clendon Cove and some ponds adjoining the Waikare Inlet.
Matuku are secretive wetland birds. They are extremely rare but there is a small population on the Peninsula, including in our “Te Wahapu Mainland Island”. They move between preferred feeding sites at coastal wetlands in Pipiroa, Waikare inlet and Orongo Bay.
Spotless Crake
The puweto is rarely seen and only occasionally heard. Its call, which is described as a “maniacal chortle”, has been heard at Pipiroa wetland, in our “Te Wahapu Mainland Island”, and in Parekura Bay.
Other Vulnerable Native Species
Giraffe Weevil
The giraffe weevil is the longest flying insect in New Zealand. Its communal mating rituals make it vulnerable to predation by rats and mice. We still have breeding populations in forest at the “Te Wahapu Mainland Island” and at Parekura Bay.
Black-spined Stick Insect
The black-spined stick insect is flightless and persists in forests on the peninsula. Being slow and flightless they are easy prey for introduced mammals.
Kauri & Flax Snails
These large, carnivorous snails are present on the peninsula, especially at Te Wahapu. Because of their size they make a good meal for rats.
Tree Fuchsia
Kotukutuku is a semi-deciduous species with flowers and fruit that are favourites of native birds. Unfortunately, it is also a favourite of possums. It is not common on the peninsula but its population will increase if possum numbers are kept very low.
The pohutukawa is known as the New Zealand Christmas Tree. Prior to the establishment of Project Crimson in the 1980s, pohutukawa were declining in Northland due to browsing by expanding populations of possums. Regenerating pohutukawa around the whole of the Russell Peninsula requires protection from possums.