Projects & Programs
Russell Landcare Trust’s projects and programs are aimed at protecting and enhancing the natural biodiversity of the Russell Peninsula.
Predator Free Russell
This is a joint initiative with Northland Regional Council and Predator Free 2050 Ltd. The project aims to eliminate rats, possums and stoats from the 3,000 hectare Russell peninsula. It is one of only two Predator Free 2050 projects in Aotearoa New Zealand that is targeting rats.
We are using and designing innovative and cost effective ways to achieve elimination without affecting tāonga species such as weka and kiwi which are found throughout the peninsula.
Predator Free Russell is part of the wider Predator Free Pēwhairangi Whānui programme which covers the Bay of Island’s three main peninsulas.
Russell Kiwi Protection
This is the project that led to Predator Free Russell. It started in 2015 when Landcare members decided to intensify the Trust’s predator control work across the Russell peninsula with the aim of increasing North Island Brown Kiwi numbers.
We chose the FNDC Reserves of Pipiroa and Te Wahapau as together they make up a large area of continuous, high quality native habitat ideal for an eco-sanctuary. Russell Kiwi Protection (RKP) was set up as a special project specifically to focus on eliminating rats, stoats and possums.
It has been so successful that Russell Landcare Trust was approached by Northland Regional Council to lead the wider Russell Peninsula roll-out of Predator Free Pēwhairangi Whānui. The Russell Kiwi Protection project will continue until it is merged with Predator Free Russell programme.
Native Habitat Restoration
Over its 20+ years The Trust’s keen local volunteers have planted thousands and thousands of native trees, shrubs and grasses in habitats ranging from salt marsh to wetland to forest, enhancing existing ecosystems and in some places re-establishing them.
Weeding programmes target invasive species such as ginger, wattle, pampas grass, banana passionfruit, tobacco weed and Japanese honeysuckle.
Current projects include the ongoing restoration of the Piproa Te Wahapu catchment wetlands in partnership with Living Waters BOI and ginger removal in the Kororareka Reserve by local residents.
Dune Restoration
For the past ten years Russell Landcare Trust in partnership with Northland Regional Council CoastCare has been working with local residents and pupils from Russell School and to restore the dunes at Oneroa Long Beach.
Native spinifex grass, pingao, wiwi rush and other native species have been planted around existing patches of spinifex to help build up the dunes and make for a more resilient beach.
Fencing has been put in to protect the plants from people walking on and off the beach. Sand-ladders have also been put in to improve access down to the beach and reduce erosion by foot traffic. Weeding and maintenance is ongoing with refreshment of plants annually during the cool of winter.