Predator Free Russell
Predator Free Russell builds on the legacy of over 20 years of predator control undertaken on the Russell peninsula by Russell Landcare Trust and other passionate conservationists.
Our Mission is to eliminate rats, stoats & possums from the Russell peninsula, creating a mainland sanctuary where native birds and biodiversity can thrive, and endangered species can be reintroduced.
We are one of only two Predator Free 2050 projects in Aotearoa New Zealand that is targeting rats. We
are using and designing innovative and cost effective ways to achieve elimination without affecting
tāonga species such as weka and kiwi which are found throughout the peninsula. Predator Free
Russell is part of the wider Predator Free Pēwhairangi Whānui programme which covers the Bay of
Island’s three main peninsulas.
We are supported by the local community!
PROPERTY access agreements
local donors - individuals, families & businesses
Our Achievements

Landowner FAQ’s
Will it cost me anything?
No. We are funded by Predator Free 2050 Limited and Northland Regional Council.
What is needed from me?
Our primary request is permission to access your property, to install and service bait stations and/or traps.
Where do you need access to?
Only outside areas, which are discussed and agreed upon when assessing your property with you.
Is it safe for pets and children?
We use lockable bait stations in urban areas, to keep bait out of reach of pets and children, however toxins (rat bait) are optional, and we tailor our approach individually for each property.
How often will the trappers visit?
This varies throughout the year, from weekly to monthly. If desired, we can contact you before each visit.
Who will be doing the work?
We currently have a team of 5 trappers, and typically only one or two service our urban area. Our team has Predator Free Russell branded high-vis clothing and vehicle signage, for easy identification.